CSI Miami Season 3

The song played during the "Virtopsy." Cool instreumental piece, don't know much more though...
Hey does anyone know the cool instrumental piece playing when the one CSI packs when she has to leave and then it shows Delco going into a room labelled "Psychological Services."

It's a slow rock instrumental with kind of an Explosions In The Sky feel, if you have heard of them. But ya very cool tune, any information would be appreciated.
That was a piece of score from the show's composer - it's not released as far as I can tell.
HI I was wondering if anyone knew all the music that was played on the csi: miami april 18th 2005 I think the name of the episode is "killer date" (was previously death bed) I have looked all over and cannot find any of the tunes that were in that show. Any help would be appreciated.

Does anybody know any of the songs, Please I am desperately looking to find the songs from this episode of CSI Miami.

Hi I am still looking for info on all of the songs from this episode of csi miami. Please can someone help me. I have checked all over the net and have found nothing but 1 song that had been on the episode. The song I found was called "Auto Pilot" by Lusine.
does anyone know the song at the ending scene of csi miami? came on 5/9/05
Hi. Just checking back again and was wondering if anyone knew any of the songs from the show I am looking for all of the songs from this episode. I have checked just about everywhere I can think of. Please can someone help!!!!!
Holy... thats a big case of double-posting, what would that be called then? somethin-posting.... :o
Tonight at 10 there was an episode where a woman was shot by a drive by boat shooting.... they go to a scene where the cops are chasing a guy by boat and they have this song going... I'm "feeling?" rational.... something with Rational in it.... it's a hard rock song.. does anyone know it's name???
Does anyone know they song they played during the intro scene of this episode, right before the shooting?
Alright I can usually find the song im looking for, but this time im having trouble.

In the episode, after they find the undercover agents body, they take him to the lab. Caine finds a finger print and he's dusting it. While he's dusting it, a song is playing. I'm not sure if its one of those songs that is instrumental just for the show or not. Any help is great.