Hey Dont know if anyone has already posted this question didnt realy bother to check.
Anywho the comercail features this woman in a laundry maute, (is that how you spell it?) and then the dryer is finished and she pulls out a stack of perfectly folded clothes and they are all NOT WRINKLED then the comercail states NO WRINKLES and I ask do the people who own COTTON make these comercails or is it some other person with lycra clothing. Or maybee I missed the whole "message" of the commercail and it was some new fangled wrinkle resist cotton if that is the case I am intrigued and realy feel the need to buy more cotton.
Anywho if you know the name, well you know what to do, tell me, please.
Ever felt like selling out?
Anywho the comercail features this woman in a laundry maute, (is that how you spell it?) and then the dryer is finished and she pulls out a stack of perfectly folded clothes and they are all NOT WRINKLED then the comercail states NO WRINKLES and I ask do the people who own COTTON make these comercails or is it some other person with lycra clothing. Or maybee I missed the whole "message" of the commercail and it was some new fangled wrinkle resist cotton if that is the case I am intrigued and realy feel the need to buy more cotton.
Anywho if you know the name, well you know what to do, tell me, please.
Ever felt like selling out?