
Ok, so the first song is "The Blowers Daughter" but what about the second?
Hey I just saw a really short trailer for "Closer" while I was watching the O.C. There is only one song, and it kind of sounds like it could be Dido. I can't figure out what song it is, but I really like it. Can someone help?? Thanks so much!!
Yep, and I"m looking for the second one without lyrics. It's really catchy, but I"m guessing that unless you KNOW the song, it'll be pretty hard to find, considering we've only got a tune to go by.
Originally posted by vanillakokakola@Nov 9 2004, 12:02 AM
Yep, and I"m looking for the second one without lyrics. It's really catchy, but I"m guessing that unless you KNOW the song, it'll be pretty hard to find, considering we've only got a tune to go by.
Do you mean the pretty piano instrumental one? If so, I'd like to know the name, too.
I tried searching the forum for this and couldn't find it. Does anyone know the song that plays in the commercial for the movie Closer? Sounds like Coldplay maybe? I apologize now if I didn't search correctly and this topic has been covered. Thanks for any help!
I've been wondering this, too! I've tried searching the internet on this movie and haven't found anything yet. Hopefully someone on here will know!
Well I found the answer and thought I'd post it in case anyone else was wondering what the song was. Damien Rice's "Blower's Daughter". Phew! That was driving me crazy!
heyy.. you know that movie closer thats coming out w/ julia roberts and jude law.. .the song that they play on the coming attractions i cant find out. It has temptations in it or something like that.. that wuodl be rad if anyone could find it thanxx=)
The only song I know of in the trailer is a Suzanne Vega song that was in the Truth About Cat & Dogs soundtrack.
Both songs have been identified in previous threads, be sure to search before starting a new topic on an exisitng question.
Which one of these has the funky sound to it with the a female vocalist, I believe she says "Closer" a few times. My regulars computer died so I have no sound for a few days on the slave puter. :(
I have a feeling this song may break out soon as it seems to be getting a lot of buzz.

There's a beautiful video including some scenes from the "Closer" film here:

Damien Rice "The Blower's Daughter" Video

Warning - it takes a long time to load if you are on a slow connection.
I just want to say I totally love you guys i've been tearing my hair out trying to find out the name of the song on the trailer. :) You guys rock!
All duplicate topics have now been merged. Don't forget to USE SEARCH before starting a new topic on an exisiting question!

The songs heard in various ads/trailers for CLOSER are as follows:

"Caramel" by Suzanne Vega (audio sample through link, track 4). Track available for download from .

"Come on Closer" by Jem (audio sample through link, track 2). Song is also available for download from .

"Blower's Daughter" by Damien Rice (audio sample through link, track 3). Song is also available for download from .