Chevy Cobalt "So Quiet And Yet So Loud"


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Anyone know the music that plays in the new Chevy Cobalt commercial where there are two cars in a parking garage and they keep opening their doors and playing music?
I think this is a different commercial. I saw it tonight. One car is playing a rap/ hip-hop sounding song, male vocals, the other car is playing a remake of a 70s disco song (which I know the name of, but don't remember it right now :huh: ). Is this the one you were talking about, Evangelion?
Yes, that is the one I'm talking about.
That Woo-Hoo song isn't the one I was looking for.
Disco tune is 'Hot Stuff' by DONNA SUMMER.

No idea about the rap song.
I think it's a redone rap version of Hot Stuff, because at the end of the commerical, it sounded like the two songs went together, so I believe it's actually just one song. I'm looking for it now as I type this, if I find it, I'll be sure to let you know.
the "rap" portion was done by a jingle house specifically for the commercial to go with "Hot Stuff"
There's a very recent car commercial that I've been seeing a lot. I can't remember the company, but the commercial shows two cars parked next to each other. One opens its doors and some hip-hop music blasts. The other one opens its doors and Donna Summer's "Hot Stuff" is blaring. The mix of the two together is fantastic, and I'd like to find it somewhere if it exists. Any thoughts?
I just registered for this site and this is exactly the reason why the techno Donna Summer/Rap of "Hot Stuff". So it's not an artist or group but a ad agency?
I need to know if the mix of "Hot Stuff" and some hip hop song in the Chevy Cobalt commercial is a real song, and if so, what is it called and who is it by?

Its the commercial where there are 2 cars in a parking garage and one opens the car door and a hip hop song is playing, then the other car opens the door and "Hot Stuff" is playing, then they both have the doors open and its a really tight remix.
I think it's a re-done version or some sort of remix. The first time you hear the music from the black cobalt, it's the theme to Donna Summer's Hot Stuff, but it's done in a techno-ish way. Totally different from the original song. Also, when you hear the "Hot Hot Hot Hot, Stuff" there mainly bassy (sp?) backround music, unlike the original version. If anyone can help identify this re-done version it'd be really appreciated.
heretohelp@Feb 18 2005, 12:14 PM
The "rap" portion was done by a jingle house specifically for the commercial to go with "Hot Stuff"

Good tune, too bad it isn't a "real" song...
Ok this should be an easy one.... there is a car commercial where two of the same cars which are white and black are parked side by side in a parking garage. People open one door and their music plays with a rap song then close their door. The other car opens their door and (this is where the question comes in) there is a version of "Hot Stuff" playing.....

Does ANYONE know who the remixer is????
Oh, for the love of goodness, please help me! I'm obsessed with this song! I forget what car company it is but there are two cars, one opens its door and "Hot Stuff" by Donna Summer is playing, then the other car opens it's door and a hip hop song is playing and it comes together awesomely! I want to know what the hip hop song is and if the remix with the two songs together is available anywhere on earth... it's gotta be!
I'm looking for a car commerical song that has been on the air this summer. I has two groups of people in a 2 different cars (I think one group is guys in and the other are ladies). First you can hear the music from one car and then from the other. The song I'm looking for is from the ladies' car. It's a fast paced POP sounding song with perhaps a bit of a techno edge. It has a female voice singing Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot.
Unfortunately, I can't remember the brand. I do know that the commercial was aimed for about a twenty-something audience, and in one car there were guys on the left and girls in a car on the right.
If anyone can tell me any of the songs from the new Chevy Cobalt commercial, that would be great...

It's the one where there's two different Cobalts and then one door opens and it blasts some music and then the door shut and then the other car does the same and it goes back and forth for a little while!!

Thanks alot!!