Cheese Nips


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I did a forum search before I posted so I know this will be a new one for you all ...

There is a new Cheese Nips TV ad on these days ...

You see an African-American gentleman enter a kitchen and open a snack cupboard looking to get some Cheese Nips ... but there's an empty space where the box should have been ...
He closes the cabinet door and begins to notice the first of several orange fingerprint clues (the Cheese Nips cheese! :P ) ...
He follows the orange fingerprint clues here and there ... the cabinet door, a wall, a guitar, the stairway railing, the cat (that one cracks me up! :P ) ...
Finally he ends up at a room where there's a goofy-looking guy lounging on a couch watching TV and eating the purloined box of Cheese Nips who looks at him like "wha???" ...

Now, the music ...
In the background is this really cool-sounding music ...
Bongos and flute are featured prominently ...
In fact, it very much reminds me of music from the old Mission:Impossible TV show ...

Bracing ... preparing myself ...
I have this sneaky suspicion that it's a made-for-the-ad music piece ...
Can anybody confirm this?
If (in my hope of hopes) it's a REAL song ... what is the artist/title?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! B)