champions league

:o the champion's league is the european chanmpionship of soccer milan...never heard of these?
Originally posted by Scythe@Sep 13 2005, 01:37 PM
:o the champion's league is the european chanmpionship of soccer milan...never heard of these?
Some of us have.

So how many NFL Playoff games do you watch?
some of you are european so seeing as how soccer is hot in europe.....
ok then what about the world cup surely you know something about that?
Originally posted by Scythe@Sep 13 2005, 02:05 PM
ok then what about the world cup surely you know something about that?
Again Kenneth, some of us do.
I used to pay attetion to soccer when I was younger but I don't know anything anymore. Oh and yes, I do know what the World Cup is.
<_< of course you know *what* it is but do you know that brasil is ruler? and that san marino sucks?