Celebrity Sightings

He's too sweet to break the law.

Amfernee!! I'm sorry I wasn't here last night demmit! Log on!

~~~ :blink: ~~~ I'm sending you juju brain waves.. you waaant to log onnnn.. you waaant to chat about muuuuusiccc...
And he's always online! Where is he???? I'll send thoughts too...
You can have one someday! I had to wait forever for mine! I love it...keep it stocked all the time too...you'd think I was 8! :D
Well, sometimes I may act like it...but... :rolleyes: no, I'm not 8. I'm not even close to 8 anymore...more like closer to 28...booooooo...
Well, maybe that trip down the stairs the other day was my first! Oh that's so sad to think about...