Bristol Palin Life's a Tripp


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Haven't seen this promo for a while and can't find anything on youtube.

The promo was for Bristol Palin's Life's a Tripp tv show. The promo was set very dark with Bristol herself in the middle talking about what it was like to be her. Very short commercial. I'm trying to figure out the song that was playing in the background. There were no lyrics for the song (or at least the segment of the song that was playing).

I know I've heard this song elsewhere I just can't place it...... any ideas?
Re: Song? Bristol Palin Life's a Tripp Promo

Just saw the promo again. This is the one with Bristol standing in the spot light, talking about what her life is like, then running from the spot light and then looking right into the light. Very short promo and the song plays in the back the entire time.

I tried to use Shazam on my cell phone but it didn't recognize it.
Re: Song? Bristol Palin Life's a Tripp Promo

The exact same song can be heard towards the end of SYTYCD Season 9 Episode 2
Go to the youtube link above. Song that I'm looking for start at about 1:22:00 and goes to about 1:23:10
Re: Song? Bristol Palin Life's a Tripp Promo


any ideas?

I also heard this last week on an episode of Gene Simmons Family Jewels. I'm hearing it everywhere but can't figure it out :(
Re: Song? Bristol Palin Life's a Tripp Promo


any ideas?

I also heard this last week on an episode of Gene Simmons Family Jewels. I'm hearing it everywhere but can't figure it out :(

The Song is called "Be What You Want". it's by robin Loxley & Oliver Jefferson. The Album is "Epic Pop" that is on I-Tunes. It was used in the Vampire Diaries. The regular version has lyrics in it. The version with no words and not instrumental can be seen on youtube at:

also at:

TNA No Surrender 2012 Theme Song - "Be What You Want" (Instrumental)

Hope it helps :)
Re: Song? Bristol Palin Life's a Tripp Promo

Ps, let me know if this helps!!!! Please reply that you got this. I also tried forever to find this song!!!
Re: Song? Bristol Palin Life's a Tripp Promo

Re: Song? Bristol Palin Life's a Tripp Promo

Also, go to the youtube page that I posted earlier, on that youtube page there is a link to download the instrumental version. I would post it here, but they already took it off the forum (they allow no download links here). The link is right below the video, you have to click the "More" button for it to reveal!