been searching for this song for over a year


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there's a song i've been looking for for some time, i dont know the name of it or the artist but it's been on a few tv adds and shows, i think it was on survivor africa, the version im after (not sure if there's a few) is a dance version and the only lyrics involved in the song are something like "heya muma oh heten hiya" sounds sort of like that but i dont think thats it, the lyrics sound kind of like a tribal african female singing and she doesnt say much more than that through out the song, if any one knows the name of this i would be very happy if they shared, thanks.
thats the song! do you know if theres a dance version with a different name?
I'm not sure, the only version I have ever heard is the original by the Dream Academy.
the chorus they heya muma bit is in a dance song that ive heard alot, does any one know the name of it? thanks this has helped lots.