Back To The Future 3


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Hey I've been here before under the user name GeeDougg but I've forgotten my password so I had to make this new one. OK I'll get to my question now! ;)

Anyways, my question is about a violin dance song played at the beginning (well, beginning to middle) of Back To The Future 3. There's this song that's stuck in my head and I can't find it in the Back To The Future 3 SoundTrack (and I can't even find the Back To The Future 3 SoundTrack anyway); it's the song playing when they go to the dance party (festival) for unveiling the clock tower where "Doc" dances with Clara and Marty shows the pros how to shoot with a Colt and when they ask him where he learnt to shoot like that he says "7-Eleven". ;P The song begins right after Doc and Marty take a picture beside the Clock and Marty says "Smile, Doc". The music is nice, and in fact Doc says "What great music!" to which Marty replies "Yeah; it's got a beat and you can dance to it!"!!!! :D :P ;D

If anyone can answer this for me or tell me where I might be able to find the answer or song, I'll, umm, send you some sort'a gift! :)

Oh, and, as I've often said, great site. You girls (and any guys who're helpin') are always doing a great job helping people find answers to their music questions. Eventhough no one has ever been able to answer any of the questions I've had (mine are always hard to answer), I still admire the dedication you people put into your work.

Have a great one and thanks in advance;

- Gee_Dougg
Hi Gee Dougg, welcome back.

The song you're after is called "Doubleback" by ZZTop. I really like this song, but I only remember the ZZ Top version being heard during the end credits of the movie. Anyway, the instrumental 'violin dance' version, as you call it, I'm assuming is by Alan Silvestri. And is indeed heard during the part of the movie you explained. It's also on the original score.

Follow the link below to the Back To The Future 3 soundtrack...

...and listen to track 17. Doubleback.
Is that the one?
I think you're right on the money CJ! I too have been wondering about this version for quite a long time. I never knew Alan Silvestri did it either. I always assumed since ZZ Top were up there "playing," it was really them who did the song. Guess they were just props though...more or less. :P

Wow thanks that actually narrowed it down. But it's not ZZ-Top's original DoubleBack, 'cuz I have that song (I've been listening to it for years on their "Greatest Hits" CD).... It's an awesome song no doubt, and I love it. And until you said this I never actually made the connection or even came close to figuring out that it was DoubleBack being played with Violin.... But the dilemma still remains for me. Is this a remix of DoubleBack specifically made for the movie? Can it be found on a special edition of the soundtrack? And if not, as the British would say, where the bloody hell can I find it?! :unsure: ;)

I'd really like to be able to find this song (the violin version of DoubleBack), be it in MP3 format or any other format or on a CD I can buy/order because it's been stuck in my head for a few days now and I can't get it out.... Please help! :banghead:

@AD-ROCK: Holy spaghetti mac an' cheese.... You're tellin' me it's ZZ-TOP themselves playing up there in the movie?!?!? :o :leela:
Originally posted by Gee_Dougg+May 19 2005, 03:57 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Gee_Dougg @ May 19 2005, 03:57 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
@AD-ROCK: Holy spaghetti mac an' cheese.... You're tellin' me it's ZZ-TOP themselves playing up there in the movie?!?!? :o :leela: [/b]

No, ZZ Top themselves are only used as props. They aren't actually playing the violin version. It's only made to look like they're playing. That's why I got confused.

When you click the link that CJ provided, if you scroll down you can hear the violin version of "Doubleback." That instumental version was composed by Alan Silvestri, and I assume "the band" that's playing it is his studio violinists. It was dubbed into the movie, and the producer, Robert Zemeckis, made it look like ZZ Top are the ones performing it.

@May 19 2005, 03:57 PM
I'd really like to be able to find this song (the violin version of DoubleBack), be it in MP3 format or any other format or on a CD I can buy/order because it's been stuck in my head for a few days now and I can't get it out.... Please help! [/quote]

In simple terms, you're actually looking for "Doubleback" by Alan Silvestri, not ZZ Top. It's available on the original 1990 version of the BTTF3 soundtrack that CJ linked to above.
Ah yeah! Since the last post I made, I actually found the song and I've been listening to it! Heh thanks a lot for your help guys. I owe you both.

We can consider this topic ANSWERED....
Originally posted by Gee_Dougg@May 18 2005, 11:49 PM
Hey I've been here before under the user name GeeDougg but I've forgotten my password so I had to make this new one. OK I'll get to my question now! ;)
For future reference, via our FAQ:

• I forgot my password, what do I do?

When you visit the Forum Login page, you will notice the “I’ve forgotten my password!” message. Click on that link and follow the directions to reset your password.
Thanks but I'm no n00b to forums. In fact forum surfing and posting has been one of my long-time passions. I know how to use that feature and I tried it, but eventhough it said it would send the information to my e-mail I still haven't received any information. I've checked all the e-mails I've ever had, actually, and still nothing.
I haven't gotten any email bounces... so it's out there somewhere. :lol:
:o :( Damn! What the hell could've happened? I hate it when PHP forums do this. I've seen it happen a lot and it's happened to me a lot too. Every time I ask for an old password to be sent to me this happens....