Aussie Hair Care song


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Does anybody know that song that is similar to "Flight of the bumblebee" but has a horn in it also.
It's like NA NANANAAAA NANANAAAA URRRN RRRONNNG URRRN RRRONNNG NANANANANANA - it's real fast, almost circus style music. Thanks. -Matt
nope, but thanks. It's classical... i'm not sure what ad it's in, but it's in a new one but it's like a digital remake and not the classical.
i know you said it was digital or something, but did you check out "the green hornet" theme? i know it was on the kill bill soundtrack...
I found out that the commercial for the song i need to know is an Aussie hair care commercial...earlier i was saying it was similar to flight of the bumblebee but it's not really.... Let me know what you guys/gals think. THANKS -Matt
Hi,I answered this elsewhere.When I read your post I wondered if you meant this ad,but I couldn't fit your NANAs to it in my mind!It's Sabre Dance from Gayaneh by Aram Khachachurian.Sorry,I'm a hopeless novice and don't know how to make links!
Originally posted by Tamsin@Apr 2 2004, 10:50 AM
It's Sabre Dance from Gayaneh by Aram Khachachurian.Sorry,I'm a hopeless novice and don't know how to make links!
You can hear a sample from this song on the Fiedler Greatest Hits CD, track 1.
Anyone know the song in this commecrail.. it's sounds like it's cirucus type song.. it starts off slow then goes very fast.. not lyrics.. just music...
I merged two threads discussing the same thing together - Mram was directing you to the earlier thread on the same topic.
Does anyone know the name of the remix for this song? The commercial plays an updated version of the Sabre Dance.
I am 99.9% sure that the song is by a group called "bond". They're these 4 girls that play various instruments. Not sure what the song is called, though. And I do assume your refering to the commercial where these chicks throw around hair care bottles or something.