Audi A4 "Living Room" Truth in Progress

I came across this LiveJournal entry and it says the song used is not the Azukx song:

"Someone, somewhere apparently misidentified the track as "Templeboy" by Azukx off their album Mind Nature. This album, much less the song, are pretty rare and pricey to get ahold of (although it can still be had from Whirl-Y-Gig). I happen to have the album and the song, which is a pretty good celtic-ish techno/trance track, but nothing like the commercial's soaring rock/operetta."
Wow, my last few hours scouring the internet for an answer haven't yielded squat. me But I have determined that - my god - the demand for this song is HUGE!

That being said, I've tracked down the ad agency as Venables, Bell & Partners in San Francisco. I e-mailed the agency practically begging once and for all for an OFFICIAL answer - is it house music, or is it "real."

Stay tuned for the answer!

Hi Mike,

Thank you for your very enthusiastic email about the Audi A4 ad running on the Olympics.

We are also very excited about the commercial and the positive response from consumers.

The song is an original composition entitled "Notes on Progress" specifically crafted for the commercial.  Given the very positive response and interest in the song, it will be made downloadable from the site

Please check the site in the coming days to get the song.

I'm stoked that - based on the postings on all the other websites i've visited searching for an answer - I'm probably the first one on the internet to know this too. :D
Good news/bad news:

The good news is, it's out there. Go to and click on "Truth in Progress", which will play the commercial. Once it's over, you'll see a link to "Download the Audi A4 Music" (zipped MP3 file).

The bad news: the clip is exactly the length of the commercial (1:02) it appears; wish they had done more! Incredible how "viral" this song seems to be for people...

just downloaded the music AND the commercial!! sweet - thanks everyone!!

audimoose -
ich leibe mein Audi!

past/present Audis:

86 5kcsa
87 4ks
87 4kcsq
87.5 5kcs
88 5kcs
91 100cs
Well that download was actually of no real help since its the same length of the commercial. Besides Sigor Ros I suspected Hooverphonic since that song sounds a lot like some of their work as well. Hooverphonic's music was also used by Jaguar and VW in commercials.

First off, rock on to Audi for actually making the track available for DL. Sure, it's not as long as we might like, but that's more than what 99% of other companies would do.

Next, is anybody else absolutely in love with the music on the site?! I'm talking about the dark techno-ish music that plays on each page. From the look of it, it's fairly longer than 1:02 as well :)
First off, good job everyone! great team effort on getting this info.

I wonder who the young lady is singing? She has a sweet voice.

Great music, too bad it is so short.
Great song. I love this commercial and wish there was a longer version of this song.
With that said, I found a song that sounds familiar to the commercial. It's not as triumphant but it has great progression and a very dramatic break.

Sæglópur by Sigur Ros.

After I listened to it I realized why a lot thought the commercial was Sigur Ros.
There is a song playing in the recent Audi commercial where everything in the house is changing over time and then it zooms in on the car in the driveway. What is the song used in this commercial?
Great song. I love this commercial and wish there was a longer version of this song.
With that said, I found a song that sounds familiar to the commercial. It's not as triumphant but it has great progression and a very dramatic break.

[Admin edit: Sorry, we don't allow file sharing.]

Sæglópur by Sigur Ros.

After I listened to it I realized why a lot thought the commercial was Sigur Ros.

The ad music does sound similar to this song...a nice sub...and reminded me how awesome Sigur Ros is.
Many, many thanks to everyone who helped out. And thanks to Audi for making this clip available. AdTunes is great!
So, the issue is that in the Audi commercial not the Templeboy by Azukx can be heard??? :unsure:
Originally posted by ChakaRue@Aug 26 2008, 11:42 AM
Well that download was actually of no real help since its the same length of the commercial. Besides Sigor Ros I suspected Hooverphonic since that song sounds a lot like some of their work as well. Hooverphonic's music was also used by Jaguar and VW in commercials.

Besides Sigor Ros I suspected Hooverphonic

Heh, I was thinking the same thing, I actually thought this might be some new Hooverphonic before I ever thought of Sigor Ros but now that people mention it, I guess those tracks do sound like a mix of these two bannds.

By the way, there's a lot of cool music on their site, did anybody else notice this dark gem?
So I purchased:

Mind Nature

Temple Boy is not the song in the Audi commercial.

Killer album, but not the Audi Commercial music.

Turns out that Audi made the music just for these commercials through a marketing company in LA....