Army Reserves

Originally posted by YSAPrincess23@Oct 4 2004, 10:13 AM
There are already two threads about this ad
Thanks, all duplicate threads merged into one now. :)
Sorry about that. I did a search and didn't get a hit. I may have mistyped something.
Hi, I wanted to know if anyone knew what the song title is to a recent commercial. It has no people, but simply shots of rooms and spaces while the text onscreen states where they currently are, such as "hunting osama bin laden."

can anyone help? the site didn't have any listings
I dont know if that ad has been airing on TV. I usually watch music videos on Since their service is free, they got tons of ads in between music video transitions.

ANYWAYS, I saw this US Army ad yesterday. Went to army's website but didnt see it on their "media player", which has list of army commercials without "credit listing".

Its got instrumental music in background (which is wat i'm looking for :ermm: ). It shows different work places (empty office cube, empty coach's office, empty dorm room, and a shirt hanging in garage) with text that says this person is at this place doing this.....!

Right before the end of the has U.S.Army and "its not your everyday job" written below it....then it ends with its website and 800 number....just like any other army ad.

Try watching some video on You'll see it at least once in between 3-5 video transitions....

Is it the same ad that says something to the effect of "still hunting osoma bin laden" ?
ehhh...I rewatched the's list of "foreground" text in the ad...

office/cubicle : currently training Iraqi police officers
asst. coach's office : currently spending the weekend training to fight terrorism
some girls 'pink' room : currently spending two weeks studying tropical diseases in Guatamala
garage : currently hunting Osama Bin Laden

this is towards the end.....
its not your everyday job

next screen...

at the end...
an army of one

had to use cop for army logo....! :whistle:
cops joined the army !
This one has been asked about here, but no word on the music. Probably means it was music made just for the ad.
*gaspamus!* Uh muh guh! Thank you so much for the answer! I see people've been looking for this since the beginning of June, and I always did like that song; kept a watch on this thread fer ever, hehe

Thanks mucho! ^^
I just saw an Army commercial "Army of One" and there was this cool guitar part -- no vocals, so it may be the same commercial earlier in the thread -- nice music in the commercial.
It was made by Asche & Spencer just for the ad. Not going to find the song anywhere.