American Express movie advertisement


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Hey, I couldn't figure out exactly where to post this question, but since I saw the ad in a theatre before a movie, I'm hoping someone will know what I'm talking about. (Which opens up a whole new annoying is it that now we have to sit through commercials before the "Coming Attractions" reel even starts?)

I saw an ad for American Express (I think it was the Blue card) recently, where there was a jazzy voice singing about "beauty in everything." Great song...kind of Billie Holiday-ish. Does anyone know what the name of the song is or where I can get a copy?

I haven't seen the ad on television--it's a montage of different items, and there's a close-up of a rather large man in a psychedelic speedo, photographed from the back, which is probably keeping it from airing on T.V.
hi~! i just saw the ad yesterday, and yes it's a great song! i kept hearing the lyrics "beautiful things"...but i haven't found anything on it yet...will let you know if i ever find anything!
Hi. I don't believe the song is "A Thousand beautiful Things" by Annie Lennox.

I've found lyrics which seem to be either similar to or the same as the American Express commercial. They're from the song "Beautiful Things" in the 1967 film "Doctor Dolittle." (Music/lyrics by Leslie Bricusse; performed by Samantha Eggar who played Emma.) I've pasted them below. There is an audio CD of the film's soundtrack -- but the song in the commercial may be a different recording.

If anyone learns which exact recording is used in the commercial, would you please let me know? It's a great song. Thanks.


I can't explain what it is that he is
But he is what he is for a very good reason
I can't explain why he does what he does
But he does what he does cause his heart is pure -
If that much, I'm sure.

I’m sure from the way he spoke the other day
He lives in a world of fantasy
And that is a world I plan to see
Fantasy, can't you see ?

The world is full of beautiful things
Butterfly wings, fairy tale kings
And each new day undoubtedly brings
Still more beautiful things

The world abounds with many delights
Magical sights, fanciful flights
And those who dream on beautiful nights
Dream of beautiful things

Beautiful days for sunshine lazin'
Beautiful skies and shores
Beautiful days when I can gaze
In beautiful eyes - like yours

Our lives tick by like pendulum swings
Poor little things, puppets on strings
Life is full of beautiful things
Beautiful people too
Beautiful people
Like you.
I love that song also, and i haven't been able to find it anywhere. If anybody has please let me know :)

Thanks so much

-Crystal :D
That song definitely contains the lyrics which were used, those being

The world is full of beautiful things
Butterfly wings, fairy tale kings
And each new day undoubtedly brings
Still more beautiful things

It would be interesting to know who sang the lyrics for AmEx. Companies like American Express, and Geico, should make this information available somehow. Now to just find the music VH1 uses as beds for their pundit shows...

Does anyone know the name and artist of the new american express sond/ ad at the movie theater? "the world is full of beautiful things. butterfly wings..." please help_can't find the answer and its not on the american express website. thanx.
It has become my personal quest to find this darn song. I was searching everywhere on the internet to find it and the only thing I could find was this ongoing conversation (Thanks ToMCOIGo for getting the ball rolling) about who sung "Beautiful Things" on the American Express Blue theater ad. Nonetheless, it has helped. The lyrics sited (Quest 247) above are definitely the lyrics. The suggestion that it might be an Annie Lennox song (djflowerz) has definitely been ruled out. The fact that it is a song that is on the 1967 Dr. Doolittle soundtrack has been corroborated. I bought two CDs. The first did not have the song "Beautiful Things" on it to my frustration and amazement. The second disc (The complete 1967 Dr. Doolittle soundtrack) did have the song on it but it was definitely not sung by Samantha Eggar (see Quest 247) unless she was getting some serious testosterone injections at the time. According to a review of the sound track I found, it was sung by Anthony Newly. The bottom line is that that is not the version of the song in the ad. I also scoured the Amex site where they list provide background details about many of their ads but they only list TV ads so there is no helpful info there as Jilith had already discovered. I have searched Amazon Music, Google, Yahoo, ITunes, and Music Match and have come up with no leads. This combination of attraction and lack of information reminds me of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" when many people are compelled by some unstoppable compulsion to go to Devils Tower and none of them have the slightest idea why. I will not rest until I arrive at my Devils Tower!
After reading this post I did a little googling myself and found nothing new. However, I added the DVD of the 1967 Doctor Doolittle to my Netflix Queue and placed it first on my list. Perhaps I can capture the song from the DVD, since it lists Samantha Eggar as the singer in the credits, unlike the soundtrack CD.

Then I tried some new searches and struck gold, or at least silver, since I still haven't found the AmEx version.

Bobby Darin released an album called "Bobby Darin Sings Doctor Doolittle" on which he sang "Beautiful Things" His version is MUCH better than the soundtrack version. I did a search for Song: Beautiful Things, which spat out quite a list. The Roxette and Annie Lennox songs are their own originals, as are those by the 3Ds, Andain, and Bahamadia. There are several songs called "Beautiful Things" which have no clips available on Artist Direct, but none of them look promising, as they are either unavailable to purchase and have no "All Music Guide" review, or their credits list only guitar, drum, and keyboard players. I was able to rule all of them out by either a lyrics search, a search on Amazon to read reviews, or a google search to find samples

The Bobby Darin versions are available on two collections: "Original Gold" (funny title since I don't know if he sang many songs of his own), and "As Long As I'm Singing". Both are available used or new on Amazon.

The Bobby Darin version is just over 1/2 the length of the soundtrack version, I bet mostly because it's more uptempo and swing-y, like the AmEx commercial was.

So, I can't find the female, jazzy, swingy version of the commercial, but the Bobby Darin version is a decent substitute. I'm still hoping for gold on the actual DVD.

I got a little obsessed as well, esand8500.

Although Bobby Darrin sang the original song "Beautiful" (not Beautiful Things) in 1967 on the Dr.Dolittle Soundtrack, the woman who recorded for our Blue Cinema spot is Angela McCluskey!

Maybe tonight some of you can sleep soundly!
I don't think it's out there to be found... From what I gather, it was recorded just for the ad, as Green Lantern seemed to suggest.
Yea, I guess you're right. Just going to have to cry myself to sleep.

Oh, on the side not, what a coincidence you joined the site on my birthday.
Hello, The song is definitely sang by Erykah Badu, not Annie Lennox (she's great too!). Now, if we only knew where to find the freakin' song...
Yes, I read Greenlantern's post. Angela McCluskey may have a voice similar to Erykah Badu but I still think it's Erykah's rendition of "Beautiful Things" as we've dubbed it. The more analyze and listen to Angela's voice, no way is her singing in the American Express ad. We'll find out soon enough as people continue to enquire about the song.
The first time I saw the ad I imediately thought it was Angela McCluskey as well. Knowing she was coming out with a new solo album I thought the song might have come from there (it didn't). But then I saw the ad again after listening to a lot of her music and wasn't as sure it was her anymore.

I'm not very familiar with Erykah Badu's music as much so I can't confirm hellageak's thought on the topic but it seems like a possibility.

I'll be seeing Angela McCluskey perform on the 28th. If no one has tracked this song down by then I'll try and ask her if she sang it just to make sure.
I also checked out Erykah Badu and McCluskey and have to disagree, but I think it's a moot point becase we are dealing in conjecture. I'm firmly convinced that GreenLantern has a command of his facts. By merit of the fact that he says "our Blue cinema spot" tells me he is employed by AMEX and that he is part of their adversting organization because "spots" is unmistakeable advertising lingo. Compound that with the fact that he is also a musician (see GreenLanterns proile pic) and would therfore be less apt to confuse vocalists; my money is on GreenLantern. Fortunately fate has Angela M. playing in concert this month 7/14 & 7/15 (back me up here Skyflier in case I can't make the show) at the Avalon in Hollywood. I will see if she will take requests (if she doesn't have the commercial sense to include that in her playlist) and also see if I can find out where to get my hands on a copy of the song (maybe the roadies can help me out if I can't get access to the talent). Thanks GreenLantern for the lead and also for turning me onto McCluskey's song "It's Been Done".

Hang in there Ashghost, my fellow obsessive, the truth is almost at hand.
esand8500, if your on the fence on whether to catch one of the concerts I'll throw in my recommendation. Not only will you get to see Angela McCluskey, but Neil Finn of the Finn Brothers (the act she's opening for) is one of the best song-smiths around today. He puts on a great show! The first time I saw him I barely knew any of his music but quickly got hooked. The show should be well worth seeing.
Well, for those that are not familiar with Erykah's voice, I highly recommend you listen to her sing (at the least) a song or two off her live CD, or her debute CD released in 1997. Not just for the lyrical content, but the vocal quality. Then go to your local theater to see the movie where you may have seen and heard the "blue" commercial again (in my case, it was Spiderman 2). Do a mental comparison. Employed by Amex, presumptive musician know it all, whatever your web credentials maybe, I'm sticking with my guns until the truth is known. Angela does sound good, but it's only one song that I've heard. It's not enough to make me want to see her in concert yet.