Adult Swim


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for anyone who watches, you'd probably agree that those short little instrumentals they play between shows and commercials on adult swim are pretty catchy. does anyone know if they put out a CD, maybe, with these songs? or somewhere i can download them?

So far there are no plans to release a cd because they only purchased the rights to use the tunes on-air. If there is a specific track you are looking for I may be able to help. Or you can go directly to (registration required) and ask in the Official Music thread floated inside the Williams Street Culture Folder. Some of us are working on this site as well where the picture bumps are viewable: which was recently redesigned and updated but still 'a work in progress'. Not all of the tunes are available but we keep looking!
well there's a bunch. but there's a particular one that i think is a staple before futurama.. but only on the second time around. you know how they play the lineup from 11 to 2 and then show it again? well it's only on before futurama on the second rotation of the lineup. anyway it's a really relaxed song. i think it's only a piano.. it's jazzy. and it sounds like something you'd here at a poetry slam.

yeah it's not one of the black screen write and reply things with the weird questions and answers. it plays while there's a still picture that i think is sort of an artistic interpretation of futurama and it says "futurama next" in the bottom corner... then the show comes on.

hope that's not too confusing, i'm bad at explaining things
Okay, I can't say as I've never been to a poetry slam B) but I have a few possiblities - The [as] transit bump plays right after family guy and it says "Futurama Next" I have a link to a sample of that bump but it's a multi-purpose bump and this one says "Home Movies Next"
If that's the one you are looking for it's a Viewer submitted track, it's untitled by "Weja"
The only other Futurama picture bumps ran on Saturdays. You can see them here:
but we've only been able to track down one of those tracks (The one with Fry) you can click on those and download if you wish. If that doesn't cover it I'm gonna need more info :blink:
There was a song awhile back-- okay, I'm talking at least two years here--
that I loved and the network would play it when Lupin lll was still
being shown at like, 1:30 in the morning.

I strongly suspect it was a tune by Yesterday's New Quintet, but
I have absolutely no idea if it was just a random snippet, or an
actual full-length song.


They've used a lot of YNQ - Try going to and on the left under 'bumps' choose 'by artist'. YNQ is at the bottom of the list - click on that and it will bring up nine bump pictures. If you click on the bump's picture it will bring up the song info and a sample mp3. Maybe it was one of those?