Adidas "Impossible Is Nothing"

The Glock

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You know that commercial where Laili Ali fights her dad Muhammad? Whats the song in the background called?
What the heck are you talking about?
There's no description about the music or what the commercial advertises.
i didnt see what it advertises, but it has a light rock background, and laila it cg'ed into one of Muhammad's old fights, so it looks like she fighting him.
After some searching, I figured out what the ad is for: Adidas. No clue on the music, but there is a "Contact Us" form, maybe you should write and ask them if they have any information on the music and/or ad agency that produced the ad.
Does any body know the music on the Adidas Ad with
Mohhammed Ali running with others? Ali is young in
this ad.

The music is instrumental, ( Mandolin and flute, I think) With a
female voice-over that ends with "impossible is nothing"

Follow the link Adidas - Impossible Is Nothing

I've merged these topics to help keep track of them - the Adidas "Impossible is Nothing" is a series of ads. No info on the music available at the Adidas website. Might try emailing one of the ad agencies involved: TBWA/Chiat Day
Does all the ads in the series have the same music?
If not, the merging, hurts my chances of finding the music.
Because my posting is now buried, eventhough I took
an effort to rip it and post it...

Originally posted by keecheril@Feb 8 2004, 10:36 PM
Does all the ads in the series have the same music?
If not, the merging, hurts my chances of finding the music.
Because my posting is now buried, eventhough I took
an effort to rip it and post it...
No, I don't believe the ads are using the same music. (Although I've only seen the Muhammad Ali track.)

And no, your chances of finding the music are not "hurt" - that's why I merged the topics, to keep all of the info in one place. That way, when someone does a search (via Google, or our own SEARCH function, etc.), they won't come up with 5 different threads overlapping on the same topic. This way, they'll be fewer (one!?!) threads, helping keep track of the search for the ads music.

So cheer up, your chances may have improved just a bit. ;)
I've seen the "running" ad, watched the stuff at Adidas' site, and listened to the MP3 sample someone provided in this thread... and honestly, all sounds like music from a library/cue CD or something done by an agency for the spots.

Could be wrong, of course, but that's just my opinion. :mellow:
The music in the commercial with the old footage of Ali running down a street with some other people is by a band called Calexico. The song is "Pepito" and the album is "A Feast of Wire".

Hope that helps!!
the two ads i've seen are the running one and the one where laila ali is actually boxing against her dad.

What i'm interested in is the boxing ad, its a really sweet guitar chord progression..
That's the one, truebeliever!

The song is called Pepita there.

I haven't seen the Ali-Daughter ad yet,
Is it the same song, Glock, moroncubfan?

Thank You TB!
nah they're different songs for sure.

The one where Ali and daughter box has strumming electric guitar, more of a rock tone i suppose.
There was no answer on that thread.

I have tried contacting both adidas and TBWA - no response.

It is the boxing ad that I am interested in. The song in the adidas Ali running ad is pepita by celexico.

If you click on the link in the original post you can watch the boxing ad.

You've started a thread for a commercial already being discussed though. So you're just going to have to keep watching the original thread.
Threads merged together, again. :)

Still no word on the music used in the ad with the father and daughter boxing.

Give the ad agency and Adidas some time to respond to your emails -- it could take several days or weeks, even.