ADD babble anyone...

Possibly Ben. Maybe. No luck yet with Miss Leone and her love of all things pirate? :)
She said something.
It was brief.
Maybe if I show her my pirate muscles and neato tattoos?
I"m pretty sure I was tired in that picture. I don't remember ever doing that.
Mandoline, banjo, bass and other loverly goodies I can get my hands on aswell.
I think I have a jazz thing on this page somewhere.
I wanna learn how to play Nothing Else Matters - Metallica. :wub: But I need to buy a guitar first and then buy the sheet music. <_<
No for reals. I want to learn how to play that song on a real guitar.
<_< I happened upon a guy picking out the tune on a youtube video and I loved it. And since there are no boys here playing that song for me, I figure I should learn. :)
Isn't that sweet? Have you heard the song? I'm not a Metallica fan but that song is awesome.
I'm very judgemental on my music.
I stick in certain style/guitar sound ranges.
Hmm. Well it's about that time. Must go home and launder the clothing and get ready for another week of work. :) Goodnight Ben.
She's Erin, and I'm Melissa, and Melissa lurves pirates too. :)

And you're thinking of Abba Zabba, Erin. The candy.