ADD babble anyone...

I don't think they intended your keyboard to be a makeshift pillow. :lol:
Its neat.
You know how you get imprints from laying on something for so long.
Try explaining a keyboard print on your face.
My parents get it.
They've known it.

I'm destined for a life of solitude.
Oh just you wait. They'll come here and start ripping off they're clothes and fainting. It'll be pandemonium. No. Wait. They like Johnny Depp, sorry.
I can pretend.
I was told in high school I looked like the young Wesley Snipes.
Originally posted by h1pp13@Jul 16 2006, 07:14 PM

I was told in high school I looked like the young Wesley Snipes.
I can see the resemblance, it's uncanny.
Same kid also nicked named me zib zab.

He called me that for 3 years.
And at your 10 year reunion you get a free pass to slap him. Zib Zab? Did he say how he decided on that? :lol:
He wasn't the brightest kid in the bunch though.

He said, you look like a Zib..........zab...
Might be.
Do I resemble anything of any chocolate substance in any nutty for whatsoever?