Absolut Pear Vodka


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Hey does anyone know the music in the new absolut pear vodka commercial, you know with the snake?

I'm interested in this as well. It's got female vocals and some scintilating music, w/the chic saying something like "nede nede nede." Any help would rock. Thanks! :D
It sounds like a variation on "Kashmir."

But what it really sounds like (but isn't) is "Cells" by The Servant, featured in the trailer for Sin City.
i've looked everywhere but can't find this..perhaps it as an orginal composition but to me it sounds like it would continue like there's more to the song so it might actually be an actual song.
Whats up guys/gals

I registered on this site just now cause I wanted to help figure this one out.

I've listened to this song before, it's actually on one of my many albums, but somehow I can't remember who it is.

Here is what I think it might be

Portishead - Alien (unreleased)
Bonobo - Not sure which album it could be
Theivery Corporation - Not sure
Massive Attack - Doubtful but maybe
Tosca - Most likly not, going to keep looking

Also, the song is a bit faster in original format, and im pretty sure the girl singing is diff too.

It isn't Portishead - Alien. I contacted Absolut, I should hear back sometime soon. I'll let you know as soon as I find out.
Hey all, I got a pm about whether or not I've heard back from Absolut. No I haven't. Not a word. But I promise, you'll be the first to find out after I do.
It took them this long to tell me that the song was made specifically for the commercial by some music house. They didn't even say which music house it was. If someone else wants to email them about that feel free.
That can't be true cause I sware I heard the song before, very much modified, but the rythm was the same
could you listen to everything you have and then find it then, i mean when you have some free time, if you think you know it. ;p
That sucks so freakin bad. Even if it was made for the commercial they should make a full version. It would be a hott song.
we should send absolut vodka an email and tell them we are going to boycott their new pear vodka until they provide the full song either it's name or make it.
i hate those stupid made for the ad tv commercial music, i mean how much better it is when they use an actual piece of work, and if it's good not only does it draw attention to the artist and sell the song, but also to the product.
Well that's just delightfully frustrating. I spent four hours last night trying to find out what the song was and it was just an adbyte? Bummer.

For the record, the vocals are "quiere, quiere, quiere." Which is Spanish for "It wants, it wants, it wants." Or "loves," depending on the context.

Sometimes Absolut releases music from its ads for people to download. Who knows!
Anybody know the music for the Stoli/Smirnoff (still get confused by the two) pear commercial? It has a pear green snake couled around the vodka bottle, and at the end you see it's eaten a pear. Music was almost like some chillout music, but a tad heavy on a fast beat IIRC. Thanks!