
  1. J

    Subaru Forester

    Am trying to figure what "surfer" type music is used in this ad.
  2. M

    Subaru Outback

    Does anyone know what song is played during the subaru commercial where the guy looses his sunglasses?
  3. G

    Subaru Legacy "Feel The Love"

    Who does the heavy guitar riffs at the end of this commercial? It has linens moving in the breeze and then says "Feel The love" as the riffs fire up.
  4. K

    Subaru Forester Pinewood Derby

    Anyone know the name of the music in the background? No lyrics to google.
  5. R

    2009 Subaru Impreza 2.5i Boxer Engine

    Does anyone know the music in this currently running ad? Thank you
  6. D

    Subaru Forester

    I cannot seem to find this commercial video anywhere... although now that I think of it I haven't checked the subaru website. Anyway It has a family who hasve an old forester and don't have enough room for a new one in the end I believe they sell the old one... which is stupid now that I think...
  7. A

    Subaru B9 Tribeca

    How about the very latest commercial for Subaru? Does anyone know the name of this nice tune and who does it? There is a woman singing and I think the words go: "Everyday is a winding road, I get a little closer..." Cheers! :D
  8. M

    Subaru Outback

    Does anyone know who this song is by...It's kind of chemical brothers-ish sounding. It came on during King of the Hill so I had to run in here to ask. Sorry if this has been answeered ...I've not been here in a while... Thanks, Mithrilia
  9. C

    Subaru Forester

    What is the song in the latest Subaru Forester? There are no lyrics--just instrumental. It's heavy on accoustics. I would love it if you could help me!
  10. R


    i saw a subaru ad in the last month or two and i was wondering if anyone knows the name of the song or the artist. it is a piece for solo guitar (i think) - it is acoustic and kind of classical sounding (this is obviously not the popular "bellbottoms" used in a previous ad). If it helps, the...