World Cup Football Thread

Ahh, I don't see the cheese! :( But I :heart: the Walgreens and girl dog jumping your head. :lol: :lol:
Yes cheese!!

I yikes it. :naughty: After I take it off, I always stare at the gauze thinking, "This is so gross." *keeps staring* :ph34r:
I think we missed the Don't Stare At the Various Leaking Bodily Fluids lesson in Girly Class. :ph34r:
Hehe.. blood is gross and awesome. :) We should pass gauze in class instead of notes. Well, notes too, cause we still gotta talk about peepees.
:lol: :lol: @ the comment my friend Tracy just left for that picture
What's wrong with that? :( :lol: :lol:

Maybe we can duct tape the gauze and play hand football and see where it sticks. :)
:woo: !

OK I just noticed a loverly bruise on my eyelid. I look like a redneck wife what didn't finish the vittles by dinnertime.
:lol: :lol: @ vittles

:( @ the bruise. How close to your eye were they operating?
Well it's a straight line from my hairline toward my eye, 7 stitches I think, and it stops like IN my eyebrow. So I'd estimate about an inch or so from my eyeball.
Aww. :( So you have the stitches but over them did they put the small white pieces of tape thingys?

The first time I'd ever had a surgery they put these bandages on and said not to get them wet and that after 3 days I was to remove all the bandaging. Well... I didn't know that didn't include those white pieces of tape so I pulled those off which hurt like a SOB and then later the stitches split open. :(
Ow damn!! :( Poor girl.. no they didn't give me those, I didn't get em on the last incision til they took the stitches out. They gave me those to keep it held together for a few more days.

This is 7 or 8 stitches, train track style. I gotta go in every day with a Q-Tip and some hydrogen peroxide and clean it all out too, soo grody.
I honestly don't know if that's better or worse. Having to clean it out, I mean. Does it hurt to do that? :(
Not really, and there's a sense of satisfaction in it, ya know? Making sure it's clean, seeing its progress, etc. Gross but satisfying.