Who Are You?

I know, I'm trying to find one of myself but I'm really not in very many because I like to take a lot of pictures so I'm always behind the camera instead of in front of it. And I really don't think I have any of me by myself.
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@May 12 2005, 04:35 PM
I'm really not in very many because I like to take a lot of pictures so I'm always behind the camera instead of in front of it.
^ That's my excuse too.. but actually it's more that I choose to be the photographer since I hate having my picture taken. :unsure:
I guess nobody likes having their picture taken really. I just love photography so I always have a camera on me. My poor husband, I think I have like a gazillion pictures of him. The same with our animals too. :lol:
:lol: The lady in the photo lab I use is probably tired of seeing pics of my dogs, cat, ferret, and hubby.
Everybody's pictures look good so far...not a dud in the bunch! ;)

Also, if you can't find an alone picture, you could crop yourself out of a group? :unsure:
What about that one you had on your blog that one time? You took it down..
Hmm, I'm trying to remember.... I was by myself? I know I posted a wedding one once, I think.
I don't remember a wedding one, this is the only other one I've seen of you besides your profile pic.. if was just you and hubby, looked like one of those types where you put your heads together and hold the camera out in front of yourselves.
Oh, okay. Yeah, those are always fun to take and see if they come out okay. We have a few of those but some are kind of funny looking. :lol: I'll see if I can dig through my pics and find it.
hi :)

brb I'm going to go pick up some Applebee's. I get boneless buffalo wings and you don't!! Neener neener
[color= #ff0066]i want to see more pics of everyone~! tee hee :)[/color]
Oh you're not so special Anthony, I'm goin to Chilis to get the same thing PLUS!!!! some southwest eggrolls! So HAW!
[color= #ff0066] i'm having chinese food for dinner...do we have to have a dinnertable thread now? [/color]
mmmmmm Chilis
Mmmm ... well I've never been to applebees
I like taking pictures :)
[color= #ff0066]hey andy i didn't know you could grow a beard! and i thought you were taking a drama class, not woodshop :lol: [/color]