We Can Solve It climate crisis wecansolveit.org

I went to the YouTube link , read the comments, and found the answer:

It is called "Affirmation" by Peter Howard Morris.
It is seemingly only available through DeWolfe music.
Search by artist.
You can hear the entire piece plus more by this artist. :)
Does anyone know the music used in this commercial? It is for "we industries" or industry. I think it is a company for renewable energy (but not sure) I love the music and would like to know who the composer is. Thank you!!
WeCanSolveIt song

I'm looking for the song for the "Now What?" commercial from WeCanSolveIt.org which is here and also, a promo for Venture Bros. also used the song which is here

PLEASE HELP ME FIND IT! I am one of the 200 people trying to find it!