Type your anger out

Originally posted by Bloodlessr@May 24 2006, 01:51 AM
INDY ROOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: Still dyin over ^ this. I totally heard his voice man. Now I gotta see the movie.
Hahah and she.. haha she puts perfume.. on the fuckin elephant.. :lol: :lol:
So good, when short rounds gum falls out of his mouth onto the metal plate!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Is Harrison still hot? I can't really tell anymore..

Oooh you know who's hot, the Janitor from Scrubs. :heart:
I don't know but when he made that movie, YES! :naughty:

I'm gonna be like the Janitor when I start working. :lol: Playing pranks and tryin' to kill my co-workers. :eek:k:
or just like, stop going maybe? :confused: i mean.. AHH DEATH TO JOBS, JIHAD ON JOBS.

Okay, I'm cool now...

so, just a couple co-workers with a few bosses sprickled on top?