The Devil Wears Prada

In one of the last couple scenes, there is a music-box sounding song with no lyrics, and it's not on the soundtrack. Does anyone know what it is called?

I think I've heard it somewhere else also...
Which last scene? The one where she is in the cafe with her boy friend, or walking in the street when she waves to Miranda?
The one with the boyfriend (I don't remember a song in the waving scene). It's a very "twinkling" sounding song.
I think that song is part of the movie score and not on the soundtrack. The only song it could be that is listed at the end of the credits is: Beautiful South - Les Yeux Ouverts".

During dinner, it was Les Yeux Ouverts (Dream A Little Dream in French) but the musicbox song is uncredited as Les Yeux Ouverts is the last song in the credits, so I'm wondering if it's part of the original music written expressly for the movie (it's not in Suite from the Devil Wears Prada either)... but the musicbox song does sound very familiar, like it's been in another movie. Sorry, not much help here.
Does anyone know the song played when Emily and her friend are making fun of Andrea, then Andrea walks in after her makeover. It's sort of a slow song. I tried listening to all the songs on the soundtrack listing but I can't seem to find it...unless I missed something. Thanks!!
I believe it is: Kenji Nakamura - "Blue At Couch". I cannot find an mp3 clip to verify it though.

The songs listed at the end of the movie are in order of the place they were used during the film. The scene that uses the song comes after the scene where the Mocean Worker - "Tres Tres Chic" song plays. Then The Good Listeners - "Time Will Tell" song Plays. Then the blue at couch song is listed, then Madonna's "Vogue" song.

It's either the Blue At Couch song or some other song that is out of order or uncredited.