The Da Vinci Code

So, out of the 17 tracks on the album, which one is it...the one where we realize we've been moving through the cracks of the Mona Lisa? Please!
The music over the opening studio logos is from End Of Days, the rest of it (from where the camera dips down into the crevices of the painting right through to the end) is the original trailer music... which is not on any album.
First song in teaser is End Of Days by John Debney as mentioned above. It's track # 01 - End Of Days Main Title I am working on some info for the Jim Dooley song.
When the Mona Lisa is discovered, the music is "Into the Light", from Constantine OST (Klaus Badelt & Bryan Tyler)
Originally posted by FilmSail@May 21 2005, 03:49 PM
I am working on some info for the Jim Dooley song.

What info are you looking for? I know Jim, and he basically said he just wrote original music for the teaser. It's not a cue he had written before, nor is it something you'll find on any of the Director's Cuts CDs. It's just something brand new that he was asked to write up!

was going to do just that and check the files I have on him to see if it was from one of his previous tracks but stopped after the Lord_Mano above said it was Constantine...Haven't revisited the subject yet but was going to listen to Constantine to see if he was correct. But thanks for the news, that would mean Constantine would be incorrect and it is an original piece by Jim
It´s Constantine OST since Mona Lisa appears till she turns into thousand letters (then it´s another song, maybe Jim Doodley´s, i don´t know)
Cool, I'll look it up. Im a huge fan of Tyler but didnt take any notice of his Constantine score.
what are the rest of the song names...the constatine one was used in the teaser as well. I'd also like to know the rest of the names of the songs.
can someone tell me the name of the constantine song used in the teaser and trailer..there was to many samples (i listerned to them all with no luck).
According to the trailer uses music from Constantine, End of Days, and orginal trailer music by James Michael Dooley
According to the trailer uses music from Constantine, End of Days, and orginal trailer music by James Michael Dooley

That is the teaser trailer, which came in late summer.

can someone tell me the name of the constantine song used in the teaser and trailer..there was to many samples (i listerned to them all with no luck).

You are looking for this track: Track 7 - Into the Light, listen the end of it. From 02:25.
whats the name of the song played that starts at the part when the monk guy (Silas) puts his hood over his head...a choral sings it....