The Anthony and Melissa Show

*sneaks up behind melissa with a kick me sign*
*doesn't care cause Blurg went to bed and Andy's ignoring me so there's no one to kick meeeeee* :p
I never played tea party with my dollies.. but I did make them come with me when I'd "run away" from home.
Oooh did you have a bandana tied up on the end of a stick? I totally rocked that stick.

I watched too many cartoons I think.. :lol:
Some kids like cartoons...... some kids like cartooons..... some kids like cartooons
the anthony and melisssssa showwwwwwwwww!!!!

i shoulda made it the melissa and anthony show, cause i think you're rad
Now what in the world did I do to make me rad enough to defy the laws of the alphabet?
You remain melissa. And it's pronounced awfabet
he's already started learning. he has a toy that says the alphabet. he hits it over and over again and tries hard to sing along, but he says all the wrong letters :lol:
Aww.. when my nephew was about 2 he could count up to twelve just fine, but then he'd just repeat 13, 13, 13 over and over. :lol:
I'm bored... somebody come talk to me

*throws a paperclip at everyone who's doing something else*