Sugar Free Jello


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Hey what is the song, on the new orange Sugar Free Jello commercial its like "wiggle and jiggle, be free". really cool song, if you can help me out, thank you!
I wrote to Kraft Foods and got sort of a "we don't know and we don't care" snotty answer. I'm on the trail, still.
There is a group called Screaming Weasels that has an album called "Wiggle", but the songs can't be sampled.
I'm still looking.
Any news? I called Jello this morning, and they only had the OLD OLD Jingle, "Watch it Wiggle". That's not it.
I will grant you, it sounds great, but I've always kidna thought it was purpose written. Though without any evidence I confess.

Have you tried searching for the lyrics on lyrics sites like Lets Sing It .com, or others like it? I've found that lyrics like that often are the easiest way to get confirmation.

Additionally, I know its rather unethical, but have you tried simply downloading the music from something less than legal, and checking that way, if you cant sample the tracks from wherever you found them...?
in reply to astrea.... the band is actually called the screeching weasels and i did sample their wiggle album.... all it is is punk rock....
I tried the lyrics places I know about, but if anyone else wants to, I have:
"You need a tutu to ballet, but anyone, at anytime, can wiggle".
I appreciate everyone looking! Thanks, Astrea
i've been looking for the song since i first heard it lol. i've tried looking up lyrics but mainly i get rap songs about "wiggle your jiggle" or something stupid>.> lol n_n
anyway. if i mange to find the song before ya'll, i'll definently let ya'll know! n_n
ugh.... so i emailed the Jell-o company.... and here was their annoying response.... but under the letter is a list of their information if ne of u want to contact them

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Kraft Foods Global, Inc.
Consumer Relations
1 Kraft Court
Glenview, IL 60025
i've gotten another response from the kraft foods site with the wrong song and i resent my question.... i have a strong feeling that it was made for the commercial but i'm still waiting for a second response
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Kim McMiller
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How dare those Kraft people NOT have that information?! I called last week and the lady said to call back this coming Monday.
I'm on a mission now.
Thanks for all your help, too!
i hope this song is found out, its really catchy, i just saw it again today

'wiggle while your jigglin' free, and wiggle while you jiggle in a wiggling spree' :D

something like that :blink:
this commercial is bugging me too! I really hope that it's not just a song made for the commercial, and if it is, they should make it into one! I've looked everywhere, but can't find anything!
any updates yet? I also really want this song. I havent seen the commercial lately though.