Remember Me

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Towards the end of the preview there is a very intense guitar based song playing and I would love to know who did it so I can get it. Thanks in advance, I hope I did OK, my first time posting here, and can' wait to join in on all the fun

This is the new Robert Paterson movie FYI
Hello. It's The chemical brothers - Dream on.
And you mean Robert Pattinson not Paterson. ;)
Hi, I was wondering if anyone would knew the song that starts in the "Remember Me" trailer around 1:45 I think. It's mainly guitar but no lyrics that I can hear.


If anyone could tell me, I would be very thankful. Then again it might have been made for the trailer only or maybe it will be from the film's soundtrack.
Not sure if this is commerical or trailer question. Anyways there is a new ad for Remember Me on tv, that starts off with slow piano then builds up, and at the end of the ad you can hear a woman singing. I saw the other threads about the Chemical Brothers song, but that doesn't appear to be the same song.
You're looking for Breathe Me by Sia. It's also used at the end of Six Feet Under. Amazing song.
I thought that was the same song from Six Feet Under...great song and great ending to a series!!
Remember Me? looks like a great movie...hope to see it on Friday :D

Hi the UK advert for this film has a song with a woman singing the words "lay down something something" its a slow song and its not the chem bros, breathe me or anything else, ive searched for it but cant even get this version of the ad up on youtube let alone the song.

would really appreciate it if someone could help...

i also went through the soundtrack and its didnt appear to be there.

the woman who sings it has a voice like the girl from cataonia cerys matthews

do you happen to know the song in the trailer that starts at 1:17.. it's guitar based and starts after pattinson says hes unsure about everything. please help!