proper introduction


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i would like to porperly introdce myself, describe the way i look, and let you know where i work. my name is wil, i am 5'11 blue eyes flattop (modified) weight 205, work for the government. my interests are sports, women, and partying. my favorite thing to do is spend time with my two son's, swim, lift weights, and hit the heavy/speed/ and headache bag. that is a descpition of me in a nut shell. what about you guys? i already know that alleycay is a 17year old school girl. that dascoot is pretty much stealth and that pretty much i guess i seem to not be welcomed on this site. am i correct? if so and anyone wants me to leave, then please let me know and give a reason why, if you do not mind.
I think we should nominate you for sexiest man alive for People magazine. :wub:
:lol: There's so many things wrong with that I don't even know where to start.
His head is completely out of proportion. It's like he's hydrocephalic. And the beanie is not helping. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: That must've looked like a no. Stoopid puter <_<
It took probably 3 minutes for that to post anyway. I figured you found something more interesting. I'm searching for books on Amazon and reading Calvin and Hobbes. :D