moin moin

:( But it shmells good. Like being lost in a pine forest. But with less starving and fear of bears.
yeah, but the store smells like over perfumed grandmas and cinnamon...sometimes my eyes water walking by no joke :lol:
Hahaha over-perfumed grandmas.. yeah that's true, there certainly seems to be an excess of people that require cinnamon and vanilla candles. Freakin LIVE a little people, get crazy, go for the apple!

Oooh speakin of which I should bake some cookies tonight. :)
mmm, yeah my mom made me a finals package full of nummy stuff...i highly recommend cookies at this time
Ugh my kitchen's all gross though, I've been lazy with no one around to cook for.

OK! *crackin knuckles* Gonna wash them dishes and bakes cookies and open everyone's packages and put em in and reseal em and mail em off tomorrow! YEAH GET SOME GET SOME!