Gossip Girl Season 1

...while Blair/Serena and Nate/Chuck are walking down the street talking about the debutante ball? Sort of jazzy, almost 60's lounge feel with keyboard and backup female vocals. Thanks...
Does anyone know what the name of the song is when they are in the catillion dancing...it goes something like "the secret in your pocket the best way is to lock it" or something along those lines?
i'm looking for the name of the song that was playing on last night's episode at the part when blair and her father are looking at the pictures of his new vineyard. its male vocals..don't remember any of the lyrics. any help?
I was wondering if anyone knew the song that was playing during the preview for when gossip girl will be moving to monday nights starting Jan 28th????
The promo song with blair, nate and chuck everyone is looking for is called.
Reverse of Shades by The Windupdeads
Can anybody name the song played at the end of Monday's episode when Serena goes to see Chuck to apologize and shows him the note?
Anyone know the name of the song from the GG episode before last (the OMFG return episiode #13), it plays during the segue to Dan's apt in Brooklyn and it's got tinkly bells and hard drums.
Does any one know the name of the song at the end of the last Gossip Girl? The part where Serena tells Blair that she killed someone? Thanks in advance!