Dell Printer Commerial


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hey im lookin for the dell printer commerial music.
its very easy and soft, and its very good, anyone know what it is??


ive been using this site for a long time, and ive finally had the courage to sign up, now im gonna kick into full action and help those people which need find out what tracks are from commerials.

if you need any of the tracks from commerial or are looking for some (limited to euro,trance,dance,house,lounge,drum&bass) let me know
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has anyone even seen the commerial to start with?

its a very soft relaxing tune, very simple beat, no words.
hope that helps, its the commerial for the new Dell Print Managment System.

Where a guy goes through household stuff, like his ceral box, and gets a message saying his ceral is almost empty.

any help?
I've seen the commercial. Actually there are 2 dell print management commercials (very similar) using that song. I know one ad opens with a person in the shower and the bar of soap is nearly gone. The states, wouldn't it be nice if everything could be managed like Dell's print management, where you can order another print cartridge, etc. when one gets low.

Would be nice to find out what that song is....