
ok, thanks, i dont think it's sound effects. but i might be wrong, thanks a lot for your help. Ill keep looking
Can any1 help me ? its like a techno song with no lyrics....
Hey every one, I went to go see Constantine yesterday, and one of the previews I saw was House of Wax. It looks pretty good, but there is one song they use in it at the beginnig. The song was also used in the Constantine Movie Trailer, at the end. I hope you guys can help me out with this, I've been looking for this for a long time. They seem to play the song whenever the actual scene stops and it says something up on the screen, written. Thanks to anyone who can help me out!!!

Here is the preview, listen for the song.
Originally posted by hummer1745@Feb 21 2005, 10:40 AM
Thanks so much guys for your help once again!!!
It looks like lots of people have looked at your post to try and find the answer (75 at last check), but have had no luck as of yet. Maybe I'm missing something... :what:
used in both the constantine and house of wax trailer, its some eerie grainy beat thing ..

in the constantine trailer, the "music" or whatever is playing during the text near the end saying "Heaven won't take him"

and in the house of wax trailer, it's used in various places.

i'm just wondering if anyone knows if this has been released on any record label, or if its a custom exclusive thing in some sound library warner bros has.
I sent an e-mail to Warner Brothers and they wrote back and said that they didn't even know what the song was. They said to look on some of their forums to see if any way was talking about it. I'm going to e-mail an other company that was a part of making House of Wax. But no luck so far, thanks for those helping out in th search.
The song is Celldweller - "Frozen"

EDIT: Nevermind... that's used in another part of the trailer I guess. Sorry. :(
I recently saw a Constantine trailer on T.V. with a cool rock song to it, it was pretty short. I cant seem to find any trialer with that song...

Does anyone know the name of the song? Its not heavy metal or anything, just a soft rock song, i also heard it on KROCK 92.3, but i didnt catch the name

Does anyone know what the song is in the new constantine commercial for the DVD release? Kind of a techno/rock sound to it.