Celebrity Sightings

Originally posted by manintights89@Dec 23 2004, 09:51 PM
Puh! I wasn't talking about YOU, ya big freakin weinie.

I have to bring bf to the airport at 4:30am tomorrow...it's my own fault, that's the flight I booked for him! Oops! :P I can't wait to come back home and sleep before driving out to the parentals...
Yeah me too. But I'm kind of a night owl too, so it's bad when I have to get up for work, or whatever. Oh well! I always say I can sleep when I'm dead...
I've got insomnia lately. That and the ever-lovin in-laws. They think I'm checking my emails right now.. I been checkin em for a longass time now. :) :devil:
WHOO-HOO!!!! Top 10 for me!! Seems like the 3 of us are lifeless for tonight. Scoot, you can check your email for as long as you want! Just tell them the computer kept being weird. People always seem to accept that, true or not! :ph34r:
Well they're about as computer savvy as my dog's candy flavored butt so they won't know one way or t'other.
Yeah but I wanna talk to Arc Of A Diver, I had a dream about him last night. :(
Oooohhh, do tell! How old is little arc? Old enough to go to bars the night before Christmas Eve, like everyone in my hometown? He might be out, I have no idea where anyone is tonight! Boo... good thing you guys are here!