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  1. G

    Michelle being disliked?

    Remember that one time I posted this thingy on here with this link that told you to sign in? I got a msg from andypants, rudely telling me to check that site out and become a member of it. I didn't know what it was, so I posted it on Adtunes. Erika then and someone else desperately begged me to...
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    Portable Music Question

    My birthday's comin' up soon and I wondered, since I wanted to get some kind of MP3 player, what is best kind you can get? What do you prefer? I looked at the iPod Nano and though, well, it's cheap and as long as it plays music I'm happy. Tonight I'm going out to check some mp3 players out. So...
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    .iso. to .exe ?

    Does anyone know how to convert an .iso file to .exe? I'm downloading a game but all the application files are .iso images. I don't know exactly how to convert it to .exe or to at least something that would make it run. Thanks!
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    Freddy says hi!

    Freddy's done some posing for a few of you :) The pictures turned out a lil crappy but here they are. Too tired to pose for Anthony Freddy just finished writing Melissa's card...
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    Moyld Bomb 3.0

    I quickly took out some scenes and made a little M-Bomb video. Enjoy :) (Just give it some time to load)
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    A sad, sad Halloween story

    Well ......... the Moydlbomb 3.0 DID go off ............ unluckily I was too late to get it on tape ........ listen to this (cause I know you care): We were all standing at the field ... waiting for the bomb to go off ........ then we all heard a lil thud and a saw a tiny lil explosion...
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    Scion xB

    Does anyone know this hip-hop kind of song in the Scion xB commercial? Thanks (Then go to "videos" and select the video size) oops, it's also the Fist & Buchman, DJ one.
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    Britney Spears "Fantasy" Perfume

    Anyone seen that new "Fantasy" comercial? What's this song???? at the top somewhere called Fantasy Commercial :) thanks
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    Bored & Confsued

    Hurricane Wilma coming along .... now I wonder: .... how come hurricanes are mostly given female names? :what:
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    A BOMB ! ! !

    For last year's Halloween I brought the camera and went to this big party with a bon fire and tons of fireworks. This guy from the party makes fireworks bombs every year. This year will be a huge bomb! :D Surprisingly, he managed to put that piece of video I made on the web ! ! ! (just the bomb...
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    Stupid Videos

    I was bored and wanted to look up some funny videos. Soon I came across this next video! I have heard this song so many times, it's kind of an old song. Can anyone identify it?? thanks! :)
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    Say "hi" to Rosey!

    Today I bought my 2nd tarantula :) I name it Rosey. and so now Freddy and Tarry have a new friend :)
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    A little more something about animals

    I'm getting a ferret!!!! :D :lol: yaaaaaay, they're so cute and fuzzy and smart too!! I've been to this pet store around here many times to check out the ferrets and I decided to buy one!!! :) and I'm also getting a 2nd spider some time as well!
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    Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX

    Does anyone know the intro song in DMFB? (first 2 videos) and I also believe the actual song has lyrics too, but they cut those out in the video.
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    She's coming to town!

    Yay Sarah is actually coming to where I live!!! She's visited her friend there, also named Sarah lol. And yeah we decided to meet!! :) ain't that cool news?! :D
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    Computer Question

    How come my computer isn't recording any sound after I've plugged in my microphone, opened up Sound Recorder and pressed the record button? I've tried searching on my computer for "microphone" and "sound" but it couldn't find anything helpful for me. and yes, of course the volume is on and the...
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    I'm selling my BMX bike and I'm actually gonna get this one :) B)
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    Old Navy cords running through field

    Anyone seen that Old Navy commercial with these chicks running in a cornfield, pickin' out all these jeans, all coloured n' stuff (possibly shirts as well, I don't remember) ??? The song has good drums playin' and guitar. It sounds very much like a country song (the guitars), but the drums are...
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    PART II of: My pet Tarantula

    So, I was wondering, does anyone else have any exotic pets? Like not only creepy crawlers n' stuff but maybe exotic birds or other bigger animals? And what is its name? and where did you get that name from? Well I recently bought a Mexican Redknee (Brachypelma Smithi) tarantula and I named it...
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    My pet tarantula

    I just bought this Mexican Red-legged (or Redknee) Tarantula! It's so cool. It's as big as the palm of your hand right now, it's still a little kid, 2 years old. BUT, a friend of mine and I were thinking about a name for it. No one can tell whether it's a boy or girl now 'cause it's too young or...