Flip video camcorder


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Hi i was hoping someone would know the song at theflip.com. It's on an intro video when you get to the sight. thanks.
I e-mailed Flip's customer service. This was their response.


Thank you for your patience.
The composer of the Flip Video song is Jens Handell from Sweden, and he has a new band called Ruh.

We hope you won't hesitate to contact us further.

Thank you,

Consumer Support

Pure Digital Technologies, Inc.

Hope that helps....It's not helping me locate the tune online.
Yeah, it's basically impossible to find this song on iTunes or anything else. At least it wasn't a song composed solely for the commercial.
I listened to that song again and I'm over it. Theres better songs to be traced. We must hack every corporate advertising agency and steal there songs that they greedily hog for their stupid commercials.
Does anyone know the song that is played in the background of the Flip camcorder ad? Its mostly piano playing. I know thats not much help but does anyone know?
Hi guys! I was the one who made the musik for the Flip Ad. The song is originally called "Revelations" and it belongs to my band Ruh. It's going to be fully recorded for the first time in april-08.

Listen to the demoversion at:


Jens Handell
Flip Video's new product the Mino has been running ads (mostly online)
They feature a really energetic prog-ish song

Starts with just acoustic and builds into these ethereal synth things

It plays on the front page...

Flip Video

Juts can't figure out the name or artist!
Yes it is some form of wild ethno-folkie synth or something no?
It reminds me of U2.Wished to know who goes that way still in music
(something 70'esque)
Flip Video

i am looking for the song from the commercial. Its a guitar playing sounds like t-rex