Scrubs Season 8


baby daddy
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Episode 1: My Jerks
song playing at the end: "Catch My Disease" by Ben Lee (Amazon) (iTunes)

Episode 2: My Last Words
song playing at the end: "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" by Death Cab For Cutie (Amazon) (iTunes)
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SCRUBS SEASON 8 "my jerks"

Hey there was a song playing when Courtney cox's character walked in and it was a rock song and it had the lyrics I Wanna Be Your Lover. And then it went I Just Wanna Make Love To You.

Any help would be extremely appreciated. Thanks.
Episode 4: My Happy Place
song playing at the end: "Close Your Eyes" by Young Love (Amazon) (iTunes)
Scrubs/ Sesame Street

Who sang the Sesame Street theme song on tonight's episode of Scrubs? It was a man singing it really slow over a piano.
Episode 6: My Cookie Pants

song at the end: "I'd Rather Be With You" by Joshua Radin (Amazon) (iTunes)
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Episode 8: My Lawyer's in Love
song at the end: "Innocent" by Our Lady Peace (Amazon) (iTunes)
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Episode 10: "My Comedy Show"

Song playing at the end is "Torn Blue Foam Couch" by Grand Archives
the answer to the My ABCs end song was wrong
its not "I'd Rather Be With You" by Joshua Radin but just a cover song done by Radin.
As of now i dont know the actual song though.
the answer to the My ABCs end song was wrong
its not "I'd Rather Be With You" by Joshua Radin but just a cover song done by Radin.
As of now i dont know the actual song though.

"I'd Rather Be With You" was featured in a different episode ("My Cookie Pants"). The song at the end of "My ABC's" is a cover of the Sesame Street theme, also done by Josh Radin.
I reread my post and it's out of order. (This thread was merged with another one so all of the posts got sorted by time, not by question and reply.) Post #6 and 8 should be together and #7 is a separate post... I'm not sure if that clears it up or confuses you further. :P
ya i get it
i was tryin to find it and that one post kinda confused me
do you know where to get that cover song for the Sasame Street theme song?
Matt Weddle's cover of Outkast's Hey Ya! played at the end of the episode "My Soul on Fire, Pt. 2".
Scrubs Season 8, My Chief Concern

Does anyone know the song playing during the Scrubs episode, My Chief Concern? It was a woman singing and the words were "love is a lie". thanks!

'My Finale' - Does anyone know the song playing by the end and was it Peter Gabriel? They played the song while JD watched imagined watching the home movies just before walking out of Sacred Heart.
