Honda Elite 50 1988


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Robert Goldman describes an ad for Honda motor scooters that was broadcasted in 1988: “Against a grainy black background, a series of white handwritten queries flash past. There is no voiceover or musical soundtrack to steer interpretation of the questions which burst and streak by on the screen. These are accompanied by a strident cacophony of discordant background sound effects: screeching, scratching, breaking glass, haunting screams, dropping bombs, explosive cracks and shots, wind howling, tearing, a child’s laughter followed by frustrated screams.”
The questions flashing on the screen are: who am I? why am I here? what's a quadratic equation? can dogs think? why is there war? am I ugly? how does a themos work? is there truth? is there justice? is there any pizza left? who am i? why does love end? should I buy a vowel? how long is eternity? who am I? [flashed three times] why am I here? did I floss? why are there zoos? do girafes sneeze? what if I'm captured? are they laughing at me? should I pierce my ear? who can dogs think? pizza
At the end of the "blizzard of questions" a clip of a "shiny red Honda scooter" comes on the screen "as a male announcer intones in a baritone voice" (Goldman): "The new Honda Elite 50. If it's not the least isn't not another question."

Does anyone know where I can find a clip online of this commercial? I'd kill to see it.