bummin around on a sunday, as gf's planning to dye my hair dark dark dark dark dark brown.
Originally posted by ALDR123456789N@Aug 14 2005, 09:01 PM
bummin around on a sunday, as gf's planning to dye my hair dark dark dark dark dark brown.
:huh: why not just black?
I guess.. you know if you had this mahogany tint to your hair.. that would be mysterisous :ph34r:
My hair is natural dark brown with shiny copper highlights and my sister talks about it nonstop therefore I am obligated to speak up about it. Cause she's in New York and my hairs are spoiled and lonely.
Cause she likes it, and wishes she had it. And all of you should too. *Evil monkey point at everyone at adtunes*
Yes well my second biggest toe is very long and unusually curly
MY hair rocks cos it's curly and has tons of natural highlights.. even though i've colored it.. my natural still shines through :)