What's the worst movie you ever saw?

Originally posted by Bloodlessr@Dec 29 2005, 06:10 PM
Tarentino is involved, thats guaranteed ultra violence.
*Remembers Reservoir Dogs & Pulp Fiction* Yeah that's true.
I saw this terrible straight to video Steven Seagal movie called Out of Reach. My brothers and I were laughing through most of it...and not because it was a comedy. My brother-in-law wanted to rent it because he is a big Seagal fan.
:lol: :lol: :lol: @ Seagul and talented in the same sentence.

It's a dead link..
omg I just puked in my mouth. & it's 21.49!!!!

PS - How in the hell did he get stevie wonder on it???

some one must've sold their soul.
Under the exterior of all the manliness that we know as Seagal is a soft side....that is why "Songs of the Crystal Cave" exists. I wonder what "lollipop" is about.
God I wish there were soundclips.. hold on I'ma check the German site, they almost always have at least a few clips.
Originally posted by goodasgold@Dec 29 2005, 06:57 PM
Under the exterior of all the manliness that we know as Seagal is a soft side....that is why "Songs of the Crystal Cave" exists. I wonder what "lollipop" is about.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If ever any one finds sound clips...then let me know. I want to hear Seagal in all is glory singing praises to that lollipop.
oh this is better than Tom Cruise & the water mic!! My favorite so far would be 'My God'..listen to these witty yet touching lyrics.."my god is better than your god"..damn. who knew under all that machismo a true poet lived!