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I'm looking for the name of the song in the new "we can solve it" ad that features pairs of individuals holding up signs while sitting on a couch. Thanks
That song i driving me crazy- I have either heard it in other ads or maybe I even already own it. I won't sleep until I know what it is!
Gee, that didn't take as long as i thought it would. I discovered that a professional music company called Black Iris made the commercial that starts with the storming of beaches on D-Day.

Anyway, if you are looking back at that main page for Black Iris and you click on the "Library" folder tab, a new smaller window/music player pops up. Go to "Novelty" and the first song there is called "Deuce of Hearts"- thats the song!

Its really good even if its only 30 seconds long. These guys make a lot of really nice snippets and I hope to hear more of them in future commercials (they also have an area to show what they've contributed to already.)
I just saw a Together We Can Solve It commercial during the Olympics on NBC. It was an instrumental version of song by a real band. So I know it wasnt just marketing production music.

The commercial wasnt like the normal commercials with two people on a couch. It was a bunch of different shots with people flipping a giant light switch at the end.
That's it! Thanks JCA.

Re-watching it, i was able to figure out the song. It sounds very close to "Further" by Long View. I dont think it's the exact same song, but it is very very close.
Originally posted by Amazingracer@Aug 17 2008, 08:42 PM
It sounds very close to "Further" by Long View. I dont think it's the exact same song, but it is very very close.
YouTube commenter thinks it's "Further" by Long-View. Anyone else have any info/opinions on this?

seems some have been asking under comments but no luck yet
figured i would try here
the above link is neither the couch commercial nor the light switch one that was answered earlier in the thread
i guess my thread was moved here since it was a "We can solve it" commercial
Hi, I just started noticing this commercial during the DNC,
, is a link to the specific one I'm speaking of. As you can tell it's all strings instruments, and I'm wondering if it was made specifically for the commercial or whether it's a real song. Thanks.
Originally posted by ncschu@Aug 26 2008, 05:42 PM
Hi, I just started noticing this commercial during the DNC,
, is a link to the specific one I'm speaking of. As you can tell it's all strings instruments, and I'm wondering if it was made specifically for the commercial or whether it's a real song. Thanks.
One of the YouTube comments said that it is Vivaldi, but I'm unsure. I would also like to get this song.
I am looking for the name of the music used on the We can Solve Climate Crisis ad that uses strings, that is of brisk tempo, and builds on a simple ascending four note Ostinato. The piece is in a minor key. It is actually quite riveting music.

I would appreciate if anyone can tell me. I tried to find it on the web and no luck.

It ran during the Olympics and there was a link for the We group on a NYT web page with a link for the youtube of the ad itself.
so...my brother who is a VERY amazing musician...subs for the BSO every once in a while says the piece mentioned above is not.. Vivaldi's Four Seasons, Summer III - Presto....he claims he knows that piece like the back of his hand....

he is wondering what it is as well..and made me come on here to find out. LOL

anyone else?