Verb: It's What You Do


I love this song. It's "Step Into the Sun" by Solid State Revival.

It's available on iTunes, off of the "From the Bubble to the Box" CD.

Hope this helps!
does anyone know the name of the artist or song in the verb commercial? i think they're hitting around a glowing ball or something.

I was wondering the same thing... The lyrics are "take one step back from everything" or something like that.
Originally posted by DJEiffelT@Jan 12 2006, 03:08 PM
It's been answered here already ...

Solid State Revival - "Step Into The Sun"

There you go.
i don't think it's the right one...i listened to it and it sounded way different.maybe it's simailar but the other one contains these lyrics.

"we can walk together
we can step into the sun...
shooting stars are multiplying
we can step into the sun..."
SOrry it sounded different because it was a different mix of it

Step Into the Sun (Tronik Mix)
Duplicate topics merged.
The commercial where all the kids pick the sun up and play with it as if it were a ball. . .and the chorus of that song goes. . .We Could Step Into The Sun. . .Anyone know it?

Thanks. . .

i dont belive this comercial airs anymore but in the song it says "shooting stars are multiplying" and "you can step into the sun" i belive. Thanks to those who respond.