Underworld Evolution

What was the song that played during the first "Underworld Evolution" advertisement? I vaguely made out lyrics of some sort but I couldn't understand what they were.

Thank you for your help.
Male/female vocals?

The one with the male vocals is "The Hand That Feeds" by Nine Inch Nails. (Amazon) ()
The one with the female vocals is a remix of "Red Tape" by Agent Provocateur.
A rock sock, vaguely reminds me of the White Stripes and The Bodyrockers' "I Like The Way You Move".

Nevertheless, it's the new commercial for the Underworld Evolution DVD that is coming out. Anybody know the song perchance? I'd be much obliged! :D
The Commercial I saw tonight for the Underworld Evolution Dvd had the song "The Hand That Feeds" by Nine Inch Nails.
Doesn't it just annoy you when you can't think of the name of a band that you know you know?
Please stop reposting the same question over and over again in new threads and the wrong forum(s). Thanks.
Underworld Evolution


1.) Scathing Rise - Pfeifer Bros Music
2.) Def Con - Immediate Music
3.) Space Cave - Brand X Music
4.) Beast Rise - Veigar Music
5.) Deamon v.3 - Veigar Music
6.) Red Tape V.7 - Veigar Music
7.) Red Tape Orch V.6 (Vox)- Veigar Music
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