Transporter 2


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I am looking for the name of the last song that plays in the trailer for Transporter 2. It's a has a rock beat, but the artist kinda sounds like he's rapping (almost like POD). I saw the trailer on tv so I don't have a link, but if I find one I'll post it later. The only lyrics I can make out are "We're gonna do it like it's never been done". Any help would be greatly appreciated.
^^^^^^^^^I think there is already a link to the trailer (check out sophist's post)

Thanks for the info sophist!!
I just saw the "transporter 2" trailer and theres a cool song
it says something like "This is the slam" in it
Whats that song???
does anyone know the song from the movie trailer from Transporter 2?
Ive been trying to look for the Transporter 2 trailer soundtrack but Ive had unfortunately no luck, hmm. Oh, and its not Fighting Man by DJ Pone & Drixxxe that I am talking about. Well the trailer has this racey motif with guns, and its action 'packes' and whatnot- well the song in the background (from what I am able to pick up) says "This is the ___, this is the ___", all while the protagonist goes about smashing peoples faces in.

Ahh, help?

Danke, Johnny.
isn't that Boom from P.O.D.?
somebody check me to see if that's right, but the lyrics are similar.
Yah Hi! :D Anyone here know the name of the r0ck music that plays during the transporter 2 commercial? i've searched for it everywhere but I culdn't find anythin :( Help plz?

I just saw a tv ad for the Transporter 2 movie coming out on DVD. It uses a pretty awsome hardrock/metal track. I was wondering if anyone knew the song that was used or maybe its artist. Sorry, but I can't recall any of the words.
It is "The Slam" by Toby mac.. It is a Christian song.. GOOD TO WORKOUT to also. :D