Tourettes Guy Video

I thought it was p.s. :huh: Actually, I don't know what p.s. stands for either. :lol:
ps stands for post scriptum, which roughly translates as a note after a text
nah, dont

anyway, happy new year to you

and everyone else

i gotta go eat till till i explode with some relatives... :)

bye and a smooch for everyone :kiss:



just read this at 0:00 and itll make sense :unsure:
I don't have a favorite but my favorite quote is still "These fish sticks are hard as TITS!"
:lol: :lol: Silly noob, he'll learn.

Although to be fair we usually DO stick to the topic for like, what, at least 2 or three posts right? :rolleyes:
Yep plus the latecomers who missed the topic the first time around.
