Tic Tac commercials


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i really need to know what the song in this commercial is before i go batty. btw i love this site & forum too.

thank you for any help, i really appreciate it.


P.S...this is an old commercial.
Is this the commerical where the "Tic Tac" blonde lady is doing some sort of yoga class? Because that ad isn't very recent - I can't remember any music, I just know that the same actress has been in all of the Tic Tac ads for years now. (Trivia: The actress in the Tic Tac commercials is Kelly Harmon, sister of Mark Harmon.)

Sorry I can't help you with the music on that one...
What is the song plkayed for the tic tac commercial with the tic tacs zoomuing around inside peopl;es moiuths causing the skin to pop out? It has alot o0f beeps and s sorta technoy
is it In the Hall of the Mountain Queen by Raymond Scott? i know that was used in a tic tac commercial