The Passion of the Christ

Does anyone know what the song is in the main trailer for The Passion of the Christ? It's so pretty...and I was just wondering!:) Thanks in advance! :D
jca: I know the trailer music is an original track from Debney with a now "unknown" female vocalist (could be Tanya Tsarouska, she is credited with vocal solos on the soundtrack), I guess I was just curious as to why it wouldn't be included on the soundtrack. It is an original track made for the film afterall.
Hi, I am looking for the soundtrack for the Passion trailer where Pilate says "Behold the Man" and Caviezel says "Love one another" (In Aramaic of course)

I bought the soundtrack cd but sadly it isnt there. God, the trailer music makes me hold my breath... sends chills down my spine.

Can somebody please give me a link/send me the file? PLease anyone pm me...
Don't give up!!! I want the trailer music too! and uhm thanks Cyberphreak for the link I wouldve been contented with it but why o why did they have to add Movie lines? PLease, can anyone please please share me the itunes file... I don't have a credit card.
Ah well I wasnt asking for any mp3's or links although after reading my post again it sounds Like I am haha sorry michelle. Well I just thought someone could email me about it.
The vocals are an added edit to the original song by Peter Gabriel, entitled, "Running to the Rain"
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