That 70s Show

I love That 70's Show, but when I watch it on WB or on the DVD sets, they have taken most of the good songs out of the show. Why in the world would they do that? Has anyone else noticed this?
It's the same reason that Wonder Years hasn't been released on DVD yet, and the same reason why the complete series (one season) of Freaks & Geeks is so royalties. Show producers can either edit out the copyrighted songs or else pay the original artists huge fees to use their music. I'd choose the latter, but since it's so expensive it seems like more shows are cutting out the music altogether after the initial run. :(
Hey guys, in Ep 312 of That 70's Show, what's the name of the song that's playing when Fez meets Caroline and they hold hands at the Led Zeppelin concert? It had a damn groovy guitar, and as such I MUST HAVE IT!!!

That 70's Show

I am looking for the music that was playing during the "exorcist" scence during the "Hyde Moves In" episode of "That 70's Show". Jackie gets sick and Kelso wants to see what she looks like. When she reveals her face, Kelso is horrified and this music is playing in the background.
Season 1 Episode 18 - Career day

The song that Eric and mrs. Forman sings in the car.

du-ran du-ran something :P

Thanks for all the help;)
I really want to know this song that played on the 70s show episode where they shadow their parents workplace it is the song that eric and his mom are singing in the car on their way home from the hospital the only lyrics I caught were "the only good thing about bad blood is its hot"
I wanted to get the theme to That 70's Show. I know the song is "That 70's Song" by Cheap Trick, but does anyone have the song, or know where I can get it?

Would be greatly appreciated.

anyone know the music playing in the background when jackie and hyde are sitting on the back of the car when they go on their date? the music is hard to hear, but its definantly there.
Does anybody know the name of the song that was played during the fantasy piece of the 70's show boodbye's episode. It sounded to me like disco. Thanks in advance.
I don’t know how many people watch that 70s show, but I was wondering if any one knows the name of a song that is playing on the car radio when Eric and his mom are coming home from the hospital. It's on the Career day episode where, Eric goes to the hospital with Kitty, Kelso goes to his dad's office, and Hyde and Fez get a bizarre introduction to the food service industry.
does anyone know if that 70's show's uses a soundtrack in their title or is it their own? if its a song, please help, sounds great.
It is called "That 70's Song." Really.

The version I found on iTunes was by Cheap Trick.