St. Ives moisturizer ad


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ok, this is a strange request, but the hell with it. on the secret is swiss thing (i cant even remember the product name! ARGHH!) there like a bassoon, and a french horn, and a clarinet in the background. its like, once there was a swiss maiden, and her skin was dry, as if she turned to stone. then she finds the moisturizer that probably dont work, she goes back to being hot, and a statue of a greek god winks at her (yay for crappy CGI!) anywho i wanna know if this song if made up or if i can buy a beethoven album and find the symphony. please help
i've seen two commercials like that. One is Swiss Ives and the other is a Thermasilk ad i think.
from your your description.. it sounds more like Swiss Ives altough I don't remember anything about a winking god.. :unsure:
It might be St Ives Swiss formula.Their website only has print ads,though.
it is definitely saint ives. i couldnt remember it. now, can someone tell me if its a real song or justmade up? i dont think a moisturizing cream team could write a symphony. it was aired in canada as far as i know.

ok, i really want some confirmation on this. do you think they wrote it? if so, can i at least get a thread to the commercial? please?